Wenn ich nicht die Bar Do not Pass Ich werde sterben
okay, so ist dies wahrscheinlich das einzige Bild, ich habe, dass ich nicht den Tag nahm. nur weil es war GRAD BASH: D. AHHHH: D: D: D. JA. der Tag war, kam schließlich: D. Ich war für diesen Tag gewartet: D. okay okay. ima von Anfang an beginnen. Ich wachte auf. i erfüllen alle in der Schule. dann gingen wir in die Klassenzimmer, so dass sie uns überprüfen. bla bla bla. wir waren im Bus: D. ich fiel dort schlief halb lol. dann gingen wir schließlich zu einem Boxenstopp. wir sahen einen Schwarm dieser fiesen Bugs. me - Isa wie NO wurden wir verlassen WEDER Bus mit dem fiesen BUGS. so haben wir in den Bus lmao [x danach, wir drüben geleitet. Ich schlief wieder auf halbem Weg gibt. als wir endlich ankamen, gingen wir durch die Sicherheits bla bla bla. dann schlugen wir die Vereine: D. Wir waren vor allem in der Latin-Club, weil sie wurden realllly gute Musik zu spielen. so wir tanzten: D meist me - Bee tanzte lol [x dann schließlich der Park geöffnet. mich, Biene, Ramon, Kim, Bernstein, Kyra, Caro, Melo, Kathy, Skyler, Gaby, Jasmin, Sindy, Gigi, - kleine Cathy alle fuhren mit dem Hulk zuerst. ja es war mein erstes Mal den Hulk reitet. Gott sei Dank, dass Ramon mir sitzen neben wollte. da er neben mir saß, hielt ich seine Hand während der gesamten Fahrt lmao. - ich meine Augen gehalten geschlossen. - es würde Punkte sein, wenn ich meine Augen öffnen würde, - es ist nur so geschehen, dass, wenn ich meine Augen tun öffnen, würden wir den Kopf, so würde ich Angst bekommen - schließt sie wieder. lmao [x es war aber Spaß. ich liebe das Adrenalin ich habe. obwohl ich zittere - mein Herz wie verrückt nach der Fahrt Stampfen. Danach fuhren wir Spider Man. das hat Spaß gemacht [: dann ich, Kim, Biene, Ramon, Bernstein, Skyler, Melo, Jasmin, Sindy, - kleiner Cathy fuhr auf Jurassic Park. es war auch mein erstes Mal, dass Reiten. es hat Spaß gemacht. Ich mag nicht, dass t-rex am Ende war -_- ich hasse t-rex lol. - Ich mochte nicht, dass ich nass. aber Gott sei Dank ich schnell ausgetrocknet. Danach gingen wir direkt zu Harry Potter-Welt: D: D: D: D<3 you can imagine how crazy i went lmfao xD. we went straight to the ride in Hogwarts<3 it was AH-MAZING. that had to be my favorite ride we rode. i LOVED it<3<3<3 - everytime i see someone working there, i would be like,"I SWEAR I'M NOT A MUGGLE. " in my british accent lmfao xD then after that we rode dueling dragons. yea i never rode that one either. unfortunatly i didn't get to sit with Ramon for this one. so i had no hand to squish lol. i sat with little Cathy. we had a whole row to ourselves. - we still sat in the middle lmao xD again, i kept my eyes closed throughout the whole thing. i NEVER opened my eyes. i tried to keep them open, but once we started going fast, i panicked - i closed them shut - never opened them again. i was litereally freaking out. i think i even started to cry lmao. or at least have like tears fall down my face. when the ride finally finished, thank GOD. i like wanted to kiss the floor. but right when i got off, i almost fell cause i felt super dizzy. Ramon had to like help me walk all the way to the lockers cause i wasn't walking straight. right when i got to the lockers, i took another Bonine - drank some water. that made me feel better right away. that was the worst ride ever. i did NOT like that at all lmao. omg that was horrible lol. anyways, after that horrible experience, i needed/wanted Butter Beer. yes you heard me Butter Beer in Harry Potter world. it was the best thing EVER. like i'm literally craving for some more RIGHT NOW as i'm typing this. i got to keep a mug too :D. that says Butter Beer[x lol<3 you'll see a picture of it later[; ANYWAYS. after that, we went straight to universal, to watch Pitbull. not gonna lie, i was totally sad that i missed B.o.B perform]: at least i saw the ending of his performance. but still i wish i went earlier]: anyways, we stayed at the concert to watch Pitbull perform. - omg it was awesome :D. he did an amazing job[: it was fun :D. then after the concert, we rode the Mummy :D it was my first time riding it too. it was fun[: it didn't go upside or anything. it reminded me of Space Mountain. but Space Mountain is funner in my opinion[x then after that, everyone wanted to ride this new roller coaster. i took one look at it - was like no wayyyy. but everyone made me|: as we were in the line, i realized how effing tired i was. i kept yawning every 5 seconds. i was like about to sleep in the line. then little Cathy noticed that the safety bar in the ride was a lap bar. - i looked at the people waiting to get off, - i noticed it too that i wasn't above your head. - that roller coaster goes upside - everything. - right when i noticed that i was like thats it no way in hell am i riding that thing going STRAIGHT UP, like literally straight up, - going upside down without a saftey bar that goes above your head. no no way. so i was figuring out how to get out of the line. while everyo
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